In the near future, as stay-at-home orders are lifted and we begin to reclaim our usual routines, the industry association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, TRSA, reminds us that environmentally-friendly business practices are more than earth friendly – they are a key part of the economic recovery as well.
Green processes and the conservation of resources, like techniques that reduce water and energy use, are also efficient business practices, allowing businesses to pass cost benefits on to their customers while they are also investing in the planet that we will pass on to future generations.
“Techniques that control water and energy use and recycle supplies reduce other expenses and pass the resulting cost benefits to consumers,” the TRSA writes in a press release promoting today’s 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Continued efforts around resource conservation are the “key to prosperity in the post-pandemic economy.”
At Roscoe, our commitment to sustainable practices runs deep. And while we’re all still managing the business challenges of the pandemic, it’s Earth Day, and a celebration of environmentally sound practices is not out of synch with the effort.
A business that is flexible, responsible, and careful with resources is better prepared for such challenges.
Roscoe President and TRSA Chairman Jim Buik says the industry’s environmental initiatives have long demonstrated the connection between environmental responsibility and a sustainable business model.
“It’s not just the right thing to do,” Buik said. “Incorporating our responsibilities to the community and the environment is a sound business practice.”
A Culture of Conservation that Goes Back 95 Years
At Roscoe, we are committed to utilizing the best management practices around water reuse, energy saving heat recovery, and responsible waste removal. Our company has the longest-running record in the industry with over 40 years of compliance with the Clean Water Act. Our first sustainability efforts started 95 years ago as we began recycling towels.

We are TRSA “Clean Green” certified and have been certified every year since the designation was created in 2012. The certification requires laundries to adhere to strict standards for earth-friendly processes such as efficiency in water use and the employment of green detergents and proper waste disposal programs. Our fuel-efficient delivery routes and recycling programs are also recognized in this certification.
Our efforts have been recognized twice with the TRSA’s Clean Green Environmental Award that honors businesses for novel approaches to increase sustainability, conserve natural resources and reduce the environmental impact of operations.
We were also twice awarded the Illinois Sustainability Award, in recognition of innovative sustainable technologies as well as our ongoing commitment to environmental, social, and economic health.
Celebrate Earth Day 2020 with us by learning more about how a high-quality, Clean Green certified work uniform provider can help you move forward with the job of sustaining and growing your business.
Contact us to learn more about our work uniform rental services