Roscoe, the Chicago mat company, is an avid fan of planning, setting goals and creating contingency plans for all sorts of situations. Emergency situations may occur that no amount of planning can prevent, but being as prepared as possible is key for a swift recovery.
The loss experienced from an unforeseen fire whether at home or at a business place is devastating. According to OSHA, fires and explosions kill an estimated 200 workers and injure more than 5,000 others each year in the U.S.; or 3% of all Fatal Occupational Injuries. A workplace fire could wreak havoc in a matter of minutes. Therefore, it’s vital to have a fire prevention plan in place.

The uniform services company recently completed fire extinguisher training with certain affected team members. A certified and trained team from Martin Mack Fire and Safety Company came to the laundry services location and held a training session with demonstrations on extinguishing a variety of fires and other containment procedures, prepping our team to act accordingly in the event of an emergency.
Perhaps the most important thing a business can do in the event of an emergency is prepare their personnel on proper procedures. If all team members are aware of their responsibilities and knowledgeable on safety procedures it will greatly reduce injuries and property damage and overall minimize the impact of a fire or other emergency.
Knowledgeable Team Members on Safety Procedures Means Safer Workplace
In the fire safety and evacuation plan, it should be included which team members are responsible for moving people to the nearest exit(s), when a fire should be contained, who should contain a fire, who is responsible for alerting the entire business and who is responsible for contacting professionals. In addition, team members should
- Study posted evacuation plans
- Learn two ways out of each work area
- Know the designated meeting place
- Know the system that accounts for everyone in the building
- Practice an evacuation plan at least once a year
In addition to training team members other fire prevention techniques should be taken into consideration. For example:
- Avoid storing or stockpiling flammable materials or waste where they could be accessed by the public
- Ensure all machinery is serviced as recommended by manufacturers and is kept clean
- If possible, switch machinery off when the business is unattended
- Make sure exit doors are clearly marked, lit up and free from obstruction
- Make sure there are adequate fire extinguishers that are up to date
- Make sure the fire alarm and sprinkler system is tested or checked annually

OSHA also provides a checklist for employer responsibilities that should be referenced in keeping with providing a safe workplace. Or, you can check out this more general business fire safety checklist.
October is National Fire Prevention Month and it serves as an excellent time to examine your preparedness. Let’s work together to keep our businesses, team members and family safe. Contact the uniform company to find out more about our fire safety and evacuation plan.
Contact us to learn more about Roscoe: The Chicago Work Uniform Company